
Flaky Buttery Buttermilk Biscuits

My biscuits, fresh out of the oven
I found this recipe in a Fine Cooking magazine in 2007.

These are one of the best biscuits I have tasted and are easy to make. 
I love that the butter doesn't need to be chopped on crumbled into the flour. This is so much easier and creates a stronger butter flavored biscuit!

Tips and Suggestions:
I use a Buttermilk Powder from SACO and follow the directions on the container to make the buttermilk.   SACO Cultured Buttermilk Blend can be used in nearly any recipe that calls for liquid buttermilk or soured milk. 

I also use a smaller, round baking dish instead of a sheet, and have the sides of my biscuits touching. 

Cooking the biscuits in a dish lined with parchment paper just makes for a much easier clean-up.

I also use King Arthur Flour and Land of Lakes Butter.  The better the quality of ingredients the better the end product.

Below is the recipe and step by step instructions and photos from Fine Cooking:

Flaky Buttermilk Biscuits

What you'll need:

1-3/4 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
1 Tablespoon granulated sugar
2-1/4 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 teaspoon kosher salt
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
4 ounces (8 Tablespoons.) very cold unsalted butter
(I use salted Lake of Lakes brand, Click here for Answers to common questions about butter)
3/4 cup very cold buttermilk


Heat the oven to 500°F and position a rack in the middle of the oven. Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper. Put the flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, and baking soda in a large mixing bowl and stir with a whisk to distribute the ingredients evenly.

With a sharp knife, cut the cold butter crosswise into 1/4-inch-thick slices. Stack 3 or 4 slices and cut them into three even strips. Rotate the stack a quarter turn and cut the strips in half. You should create 6 small bits of butter per slice. Toss the butter bits into the bowl with the flour mixture. Continue cutting all the butter in the same manner and adding it to the flour mixture.

Cut butter into small cubes and add to flour

When all the butter is in the bowl with the flour, use your fingers to separate the butter bits (they tend to stick to each other), coat all the butter pieces with flour, and evenly distribute them throughout the flour mixture. Don’t rub the butter too hard with your fingertips or palms, as this will melt the butter. You’re just trying to break the butter pieces apart and coat each with flour, not blend the butter into the flour, (it's not a crumbly mixture, this mixture will be chunky).

When all the butter is evenly distributed, add the cold buttermilk and stir with a large spoon until all or most of the flour is absorbed by the buttermilk and the dough forms a coarse lump, about 1 minute.

Dough with butter chunks visible

Dust a work surface with flour and dump the dough onto the floured surface, cleaning out the bowl with a spatula or a plastic bowl scraper. Dust the top of the dough and your hands with flour, and press the dough into a 3/4-inch-thick rectangle. Sprinkle a small amount of additional flour on the top of the dough. Fold the dough over on itself in three sections, as if folding a letter (also called a tri-fold). With a bench knife or metal spatula, lift the dough off the counter and dust under it with flour to prevent sticking, if necessary. Dust the top with flour and press the dough out again into a 3/4-inch-thick rectangle and repeat the tri-fold. Repeat this procedure one more time (three times in all).

(Folding helps with the layering effect)

After the third tri-fold, dust under and on top of the dough, if needed, and roll or press the dough into a 1/2-inch-thick oval. Dip a 2-inch or 2-3/4-inch round biscuit cutter in flour and start cutting biscuits, dipping the cutter in flour between each biscuit. Press straight down to cut and lift straight up to remove; twisting the biscuit cutter will seal the sides and interfere with rising. Use a bench knife or spatula to transfer the biscuits to the baking sheet, placing them about 1/2 inch apart.

(Cut thicker for taller biscuits)

Gently gather any scraps of dough, pat and roll out again, and cut more biscuits from the remaining dough. You can gather and roll the scraps two times total and still get good results (the more times you roll out, the tougher the biscuits will be).

Put the baking sheet in the oven and reduce the temperature to 450°F. Bake for 8 minutes; rotate the pan 180 degrees; continue baking until both the tops and bottoms of the biscuits are a rich golden brown and the biscuits have doubled in height, revealing flaky layers on the sides, 4 to 6 minutes more. It’s all right if some butter seeps from the biscuits. Remove the pan from the oven and set it on a cooling rack, leaving the biscuits on the pan. Cool the biscuits for at least 3 minutes and serve them hot or warm (they will stay warm for about 20 minutes).


Let me know if you tried them and what you think!  These are so great served with beef stew or fried chicken, yummy.


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  1. The biscuits look really good. I was going to make them but when I was reading the recipe for the butter, one section says to ...cut the butter in with the flour... and below it, it is telling u to separate the butter pieces from the flour as u don't want to mix the flour in with the butter. It is the section where it shows the biscuits. I would like to make them but let me know if I'm supposed to incorporate the butter into the flour with a pasty maker or am I supposed to use my hands and then separate it? Thank you.

  2. I like the way the biscuits look and want to try them. I am not sure on the directions what you mean when you say...cut the butter in pieces and cut into the flour...and then in the next section you are saying...separate the butter pieces from the flour as you don't want to mix the flour in with the butter...Please let me know (it is the section where the picture is of the biscuits). Thank you.

  3. These biscuits are really delicious Debra! Yes, cut the butter into small pieces. Then place into the flour and mix with the flour. Use your fingers to make sure all butter pieces are separated and not stuck together but are still in the flour. You will be thoroughly coating the butter with flour, not mixing in completely in. Does that make more sense? The butter will tend to stick together and form a blob so make sure each butter piece is coated with flour and not stuck to another piece of butter. You do not want to smash or completely blend the butter into the flour as in making a crumbly mix. This mix will be a little chunky.

  4. I have searched for years for a flakey moist biscuit recipe and found it at last!!! Excellent detailed instructions. I doubled the recipe making 10 biscuits. Best Ever!

  5. Thanks for the comment, and we love these biscuits too! Lots of flavor and yes, flaky! So glad you like them!


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