
Grandma Elder's Carrot Cake

This is a moist delicious carrot cake that's not too sweet and gets rave reviews when I make it. 
I usually make it as a sheet cake but it is so much prettier as a layer cake!

My mother-in-law Coy Lynch handed down her mother's Carrot Cake recipe to me many years ago. Her mother was Annabelle (Sharer) Elder from Alexis, Illinois. 
I never got to meet Annabelle but the cousins all talk fondly of visits to her house. Annabelle and her husband John H. had 5 children, one of which is the famous and highly successful high school coach John K. Elder. 

It has nothing to do with the recipe but here's a little horn-tooting for my husband’s side of the family: John K. Elder has been inducted into both the Illinois Basketball Coaches Association Hall of Fame and the National High School Athletic Coaches Association National Hall of Fame. In 2008 John received the Distinguished Service Award from the National Organization of Coaches Association Directors and in 2003 the Gerald Ford All-American Coach Award from the All-American Football Foundation.
Pretty cool!

The photos are of my husband's Grandma Annabelle and Grandpa John (Tuck), photo on the left, and a photo of their 5 children on the right.  My mother-in-law Coy is the first girl on the left in the back row.  I love the wagon in the photo. 

So anyway, carrot cake is one of my favorite desserts, especially since I'm really not much of a chocolate fan. I know terrible right?
I remember back when I was much younger I would stop as often as I could and purchase harvest carrot muffins from the now-defunct Big Bear Store bakery. Those were amazing.
This recipe reminds me of those harvest muffins. 

  • I rearranged the steps or directions for more convenience.
  • The original recipe called for a dash of salt which I made into a 1/8 teaspoon.
  • I increased the cinnamon to 1 tablespoon and added ¼ teaspoon of ginger (optional) and a ¼ teaspoon cloves (optional).
  • I reduced the oil just a little, by ¼ cup.
  • I like adding a cup of raisins but you can also add a cup of coconut.
  • This cake can be made ahead of time and put in the freezer un-frosted until ready to use.
  • The recipe can also be baked as muffins, just reduce bake time.
  • Use freshly grated carrots for best results, but you can purchase already grated carrots at most grocery stores!

    • Grandma Elder's Carrot Cake


      2 cups sugar
      1 ½ cups vegetable oil (reduce just a little if desired)
      3 cups finely shredded carrots
      4 eggs
      2 cups all-purpose flour
      2 teaspoons baking soda
      2 teaspoons baking powder
      Dash of salt (or 1/8 teaspoon)
      ¼ teaspoon each ginger and ground cloves (optional)
      2 teaspoons cinnamon (or 1 Tablespoon cinnamon)
      1 cup chopped pecans or walnuts (optional)
      Raisins or coconut, (optional)

      Shred fresh carrots


      In a large bowl, mix together the sugar and oil. Add shredded carrots and beat well.
      Add eggs, one at a time, and mix well after each egg.
      Add in one cup of flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon.

      Mix together the ingredients by steps given

      Mix well. Stir in the remaining 1 cup of flour and nuts.
      For a layer cake grease (I use butter) 2 or 3 round cake pans.
      For a sheet cake, grease one 9 x 13 baking dish.

      Iced sheet cake, yum!

      Pour batter into the desired baking dish and bake at 350 degrees:
      25 to 30 minutes for round cake pans.
      35 to 40 minutes for a sheet cake.

      This cake doesn't last long

      Butter Cream Frosting

      8 ounces cream cheese softened
      1/2 cup butter softened
      3 cups confectionery sugar
      2 teaspoons vanilla
      Little milk if needed

      Allow cake to cool completely before adding frosting.
      Mix together all the ingredients until creamy. Spread on cake. 

      Below is the recipe made into a layer cake.  Much prettier than a sheet cake, I think.  

      Isn't it wonderful to have old family recipes?  I have zero from my great grandparents or even my own mother.  But I have been collecting recipes from current family members to pass on to my children by making a Scrapbook Cookbook.  

      Happy baking,

      Other Posts:


      1. AnonymousJune 17, 2016

        I made this recipe and you are right, it is wonderful. And congrats for having such a highly successful coach in the family! Tara Jones

      2. This recipe is identical to my grandmother's carrot cake -- she was a south end Columbus girl as is my mother. It is delicious!

      3. I'm so glad you have your grandmother's recipe. So many recipe have been lost to convenience and fast food don't your think?


      I'd love to hear from you so please leave a comment.
