
Savory Meat Pie

I think I found this recipe in an old Food Network Magazine and it has gotten rave reviews from my family every time I make it. 
In fact, my husband asked me to never ever share this recipe. He doesn't know that thousands of people have already seen it in that magazine, haha. 

This is an absolutely delicious savory beef, veggie, and cheddar cheese pie. I use store-bought puff pastry or pie crust but you can use your favorite pie crust recipe.

This pie is similar to an Irish Potato and Beef Pie, a Cottage Pie, or an English Beef Pie. All usually employ meat and potatoes of some sort. This was a popular staple dish in medieval times and was eventually called "pyes" or "pies". The origin of this name "pie" comes from the type of meat commonly used as filling. Beef, lamb, and duck were employed, but a majority of the time it was the magpie, a bird that was the main ingredient.

  • You can substitute beef broth for the beer
  • You can add mushrooms or more veggies
  • You should partially pre-bake the bottom pie crust which will make it less soggy
  • You can substitute diced rutabaga for the potatoes, YUMMY!
  • Use half ground beef and half savory sausage for added flavor.

Savory Meat Pie


2 pounds ground beef (or use ½ of another ground meat)
2 large carrots, sliced or cubed
1 large onion, diced
2 stalks celery, sliced or cubed
1 to 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
8 ounces mushrooms, sliced
2 medium potatoes, peeled and cubed
½ cup dark beer
8 ounces shredded sharp cheddar cheese
Sea salt and coarse ground black pepper
2 sheets frozen puff pastry, thawed but cold (or regular pie crust)
1 large egg yolk, beaten with 1 tablespoon water

Saute the meat and veggies

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.
In a large skillet, cook the beef, chopping into small pieces, until about ½ done. Add carrots, onion, celery, mushrooms, garlic, and potato. Cook over medium-high heat until the beef is cooked through and some liquid has evaporated for about 15 minutes.
Lower the heat to medium, add the beer and cook for an additional 10 minutes uncovered. The alcohol in the beer will evaporate in the cooking process but will add a unique flavor.  Remove meat mixture from heat and let cool slightly. Set aside.

On a floured surface, roll 1 puff pastry sheet into a 12-inch round. Place into a deep pie dish.
I partially bake the bottom pie crust so it will not be as soggy. I bake for approximately 5 to 10 minutes or just until it barely starts to turn golden brown.
Remove from oven.

Roll the remaining puff pastry sheet into an 11-inch round.
Add the cheese, 2 teaspoons salt, and 1/2 teaspoon pepper to the meat and veggie mixture. Then using a slotted spoon so most of the liquid will strain out, transfer the meat mixture to the pie dish.
Lightly brush the top edge of the partially baked crust with some of the egg wash, then place the second pastry sheet on top.

Remove meat pie from oven and allow to cool a few minutes before cutting

Press the edges to seal. I fold the edges of the top crust under the edges of the bottom crust then press with the tines of a fork.  The crust doesn't have to look perfect, this is a rustic meat pie so don't worry if it doesn't look like a blue ribbon Apple Pie. 

Place the pie on a baking sheet. Brush the top with more of the egg wash and cut an "X" into the pastry. Sprinkle with 1 teaspoon salt and 1/2 teaspoon pepper.
Bake for 45 minutes, wrapping edges of crust with foil if it starts to darkens too quickly. Transfer to a rack to cool for 10 to 15 minutes.


This is one of those dishes that's just as good heated up the next day as it was the day it was baked!

Every once in a while comfort food calls to each of us. I'm not sure if anything can sate a food desire like comfort food. This pie does the trick.


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  1. Looks great liz. Wish I had that kind of talent 
    Heidi Britton10:09 AM


  2. Omg. Just read this. Mouth watering
    Heidi Britton10:10 AM

  3. It looks delicious! Thank you so much for sharing, and warm greetings from Montreal, Canada. :)


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