
Buying a Farm

Oh my gosh what a year! My husband Bill and I sold our house in June 2011, but could not find a home we wanted to purchase.
We had our hearts set on buying a small farm, but could not find just what we were looking for.
We did not want to feel pressured into purchasing something that wasn't exactly what we were looking for so we decided to put almost everything into storage and move into a duplex.

Two storage units and a storage pod later Bill and I, our son Daniel and his girlfriend, our 2 wiener dogs and a cat, all settled into our little humble abode, all 550 square feet of it.
The tight living quarters was difficult at first but we managed to adapt being in the same room together.
After looking at about 100! houses for sale since March, we finally found our new home, a small "farmette."

A beautiful 1960's custom built ranch style home with a little over 4 acres, 2 pole barns, a small building for a chicken coop, 2 nice pastures and LOTS of room for my dream garden.
To say I wanted to purchase this home just to create the garden I have laid out in my mind is not far from the truth!

Maple trees and old original chicken coop in need of repairs

We wish to raise a few chickens, have a large organic garden, be a little more self sufficient and live a little healthier lifestyle.
The last 3 months have been spent updating the interior of the house, including electric, floors, walls, plumbing and baths.
We came up with the name of our farm from my husband's father's hometown; Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin and after a small town in Germany called Horb. (Lynch's Mt. Horb Farm)

My daughter Alexis, nephew Adam and a couple friends spent a few weekends cleaning out the main barn.This barn has 2 horse stalls, water, 2 huge sliding doors, electric and access to both pastures.  This barn is approximately 25' wide by 50' long.

View inside the barn, before cleaning.  Old straw was musty!

Front barn, great large overhead doors and 2 stall doors to pasture

The second pole barn is slightly smaller than the main barn and needed lots more repair, the tin replaced on the roof and a major clean out.
My nephew-in-law Rodney used hundreds of barn roofing nails to refasten and replace some of the tin roof, then used a tin roof coating paint to seal it.  We will use this barn as our storage barn for hay and straw, to store our ATV trailer and maybe down the road a tractor.  This barn is approximately 20' wide by 40' long. 

Back barn in poor condition (photo before repairs)

Interior view, yikes!

The transformation of this barn was amazing!

Barn redone and looks amazing

We are staying busy rebuilding, painting and planning new projects for our farm.  It will take a while to get it the way we want but we feel blessed that we were able to find just what we were looking for.

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  1. I was suggested this web site by my cousin. I am not sure whether this post was written by him or someone who knows me, haha as no one else knows how hard it's been to find what we were looking for either. You're incredible! Thanks!

  2. Well I hope and pray you find the small farm you're looking for. Be patient, don't settle for less than what you have dreamed and longed for, it's out there! Good Luck!

  3. You could have old fashioned square dances in those pole barns! Or parties with country entertainment. Place looks like an ideal home. Congrats!
    Love, Beverly

  4. Beverly:
    We have had a Fall barn party before we filled the barn up with animals, a tractor, hay and straw, haha.
    And yes the farm is ideal, we love it here!
    Thanks for commenting and stopping by my blog

  5. Saved as a favorite, I really like your website!

  6. Congrats on following your dreams. I need to quit putting it off, now is the best time to make a few plans for the future and it is time to be happy. I've learned that from this post about you and buying a farm. Or at least it underscored what I have been telling myself. Perhaps you can write a next article referring to your beautiful farm and how it's coming along? It's never too late to follow your dream! Joshua and Katie

  7. Thank you Joshua and Katie, I hope you follow your dreams and are able to find a small farm. We love it here and every day the farm becomes more and more "ours" and home. I have posted a few stories about things we do around here, mostly DIY projects, so yes, I will try to find time to write about our farm and how it's been going for us (great}. Good luck!


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