
Vintage Display Shelves

My daughter Alexis and I decided to try a booth at our local farmer's market.  We decided to sell our fresh eggs, garden produce, and vintage kitchen gadgets, while also advertising our farm and showcase Alexis's beautiful Champagne D Argent rabbits she breeds.

We decorated the booth with a "Farm Vintage" look so packed up my DIY Chalkboard Signs, vintage tablecloths, burlap banner, vintage tags, baskets, and all the items we wanted to sell.  

I made really inexpensive homemade price tags from brown paper grocery bags and twine. And we each wore flowery dresses and vintage aprons.

Tags made from grocery bags and twine

For display shelves, I used old solid wood kitchen cabinet drawers I salvaged from a neighbors kitchen remodel. (Yes, I'm a trash picker).
These drawers are probably from the 1930s or '40s and have many layers of paint. The last paint color of grayish-blue is peeling and aged which is perfect for our vintage look.

Old kitchen cabinet drawer

I have four drawers, two of which I added shelves to using aged weathered barn wood.

To add the shelves, I just cut two small strips of wood for shelf brackets, predrilled the screw holes so the wood wouldn't split, and then attached them to the inside of the drawer. These don't have to be perfect but should be pretty level. 

Use scrap wood to cut strips for shelf brackets

I then cut a small piece of wood for the shelf.
Here they are after adding a shelf to two of them.

Old kitchen cabinet drawers with shelves added

Old kitchen cabinet drawers turned into display shelves

And here are photos of the shelves being used at our farm market booth.
Besides the old vintage look, the best part is the shelves cost the price of a few screws and my time, that's it. 

Getting everything set up at the farmer's market

My daughter Alexis at our farmers market booth

I am just finishing up my large Chalkboard Display Signs also made using pieces of the old kitchen cabinets and they are turning out great!

We had a good time at the farmers market, met some really nice people, sold most of our wares, and I got to spend the day with my daughter. So yes, we will have a farm market booth again.


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  1. AnonymousJuly 14, 2016

    I have a ton of drawers waiting to be turned into these! Tina Valentine

  2. Tina: I was also considering mounting some in my sewing room for fabric storage. Lots of uses and low cost!

  3. AnonymousJuly 14, 2016

    "Hi, I'm Elizabeth M. Lynch and according to family, I'm kind of a big deal. I make jam and relish. What's your superpower?" Sarah Claeysen

  4. AnonymousJuly 14, 2016

    Looks like lots of fun! Beverly Seymour

  5. Beverly, we really enjoyed ourselves

  6. AnonymousJuly 14, 2016

    Looks so fun! Are you doing Grove City Farm Market on Saturdays from 8 to 12? Julie Buskirk

  7. I will have to check but most of them want you to live in the county where the farm market is located. Grove City is Franklin County, I'm in Madison County

  8. AnonymousJuly 14, 2016

    Elizabeth, You wore your apron! ❤️🚜❤️🚜 Jami Speakman

  9. Why yesJami, I wore my bestest apron you gave me!

  10. AnonymousJuly 14, 2016

    Hard at work but you are enjoying it look nice too. Carrie Meyer


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