
Camper Remodel, Part 2

This is the second post about remodeling our little camper. 
The first post you can find here: Camper Remodel, Part One.

We purchased our used little camper a couple years ago. We love to tent camp and will continue to do so but I always wanted a little camper. 
I'm in love with small vintage campers and although our camper is not vintage, just older, it works great as our first. 
Our camper box is only 16 feet long but very cozy and just right for us for now.

As stated in my first camper remodel post the interior color scheme was 1990's country blue which is not my favorite color.

Our first little camper

I decided to recover the cushions, make new curtains and even make a matching quilt for the bed. To see the remodel and before and after photos of the dining area of the camper take a look here:

Camper bed before remodeling,
blues and pinks, cute and cozy, but not for us

This post covers the bed and bath area remodel of our camper. The old curtains and bedding in the camper matched the dining area colors of dated and drab country blues and pinks.
So for the bed and bath, I decided to stay with the color scheme my husband had picked out of all bright colors.
I made a quilt using some of the fabrics I used for the dining cushions and front curtains and also added the fabric I used for the shower curtain and curtains over the bed.


Since the Patchwork Quilt is made of all the fabrics, it pulls everything together.
I also made matching pillowcases for the bed!

Using the existing curtain rods, I made the valances and curtain panels. The curtain panels are lined to provide a little privacy.  I may or may not add curtain tie-backs.  Still deciding if they are even needed in this area.

The finished camper quilt.   I also made the shower curtain with the same material as the backing on the quilt.

I added artwork consisting of an oil painting in bright colors and artwork my daughter made for me.  

For the bath, I added bright color towels and made a shower curtain with the same fabric as the quilt backing.  Photos of the new shower curtain and the old one. 


This camper remodel has been fun and I'm excited to camp for the first time this year.

Happy trails,


The dining area redo in bright colors

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  1. Great job! We sold our little camper a few years ago. This makes me want it back so I could fix it up with fun colors and textures. Enjoy! Leslie

  2. AnonymousJuly 31, 2016

    We have the same taste, and I am in love! Your work is excellent, the colors are perfect. I also appreciate how you acknowledged the 'before' was cute, but for someone else. I don't like how other blogs show a before picture and say 'yuck', when there's nothing yucky about it. It simply isn't that person's style. Amazing job!

  3. Thanks! And your so right, if I didn't have the means or ability to redo the camper the blue cozy colors would have been fine. There was really nothing wrong with this little camper, we just wanted to brighten it up. Thanks so much for the comment!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


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