
Moving a Shed

Moving a small gardening shed or other small building is not impossible.  There's a couple of ways to move a shed; one takes hard work and numerous people, but no lifting. 
The second is to hire out the work.

We learned how to move a shed with PVC pipes and jacks from a guy who moved a shed for us about 20 years ago. 

The shed was sitting directly outside my kitchen at our newly purchased home and in the center of the yard.  Eyesore!  

It took the guy about two hours tops to move the shed and we were impressed!

Moving the Original Chicken Coop:
We are in the process of rebuilding our farm’s original chicken.  It's quite deteriorated so to move that small barn we had to completely rebuild the entire base or bottom third of the structure.

Moving a small shed with PVC pipes

That barn is small and light in weight compared to most structures, so we decided to use large PVC pipes and roll it to its new location. Here’s how we did it and the progress we’ve made with that little barn so far:

Moving the Gardening Shed:
When we purchased our farm there was also a large storage shed sitting right next to and up against our garage and house.  When relaxing on the back-covered porch or the deck all you could see was the roof of the shed.  (That’s what it felt like anyway)

Gardening Shed near the back porch, deck, and garage

That shed is a much heavier building compared to the old chicken coop, so for this moving project we decided to hire someone.
To move a shed as large as this one, a large flatbed trailer that tilts was used.  The shed was raised or jacked up enough on one end to get the tilted bed of the truck under it.  The bed of the truck was sort of like a conveyor belt that automatically pulled the shed up and onto the truck.  

Raising up the end of the shed.

The truck and hauler used to move the shed

We were warned by the guy we hired that there could be damage to the shed.  But leaving it where it was not an option, so damage to the shed did not deter my determination to move it.

Shed lined up with the trailer

Nearly on the trailer

Once in the desired location, the edge of the shed was positioned on the ground and slowly slid off the truck.
We again raised the shed high enough using jacks to add foundation blocks underneath.
The cost for moving the shed was $150.00, which was well worth it to get back the view of the livestock barn, trees, and pasture. 

Moving the shed to its a new location
Gardening shed set up near the top pasture and close to where I will build a veggie garden

My son's feet. He's putting a fountain
stones under the shed
Since moving it, I have turned it into my gardening shed and converted half into a chicken coop with a scratch yard.  See how I built both of those here:
Building A Chicken Coop.

After a couple years and adding lots more chickens along with turkey, ducks, and guinea fowl, I decided to construct a larger chicken coop in one of our big barns 
The animals now free range in the large pasture.
(All of which we can now see from the back porch and deck!)
The small coop side of the shed is now used in the Spring for raising new egg-laying chicks, for raising meat chickens, and for storage the rest of the year.  

And I added landscaping and a new roof so now the gardening shed appears as if it’s always been in this location. 

The fountain blocks we added visible in this photo

During the first couple of years, I had a new roof installed and did landscaping

Half gardening shed and half chicken coop with attached scratch yard near my vegetable garden

 Hope all your yard and garden projects are going well,


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  1. AnonymousJuly 08, 2015

    Marvelous, what a blog this is! I never even guessed you could move a shed! This changes everything. Bernard

  2. Bernard. Kindof exactly how we felt on the first shed moving. It also opens up moving other things you didn't think could be moved!

  3. AnonymousJuly 10, 2015

    I'm so excited, just wait until my husband gets home and I show this to him! We will be moving a small storage shed now that I know it can be done. I've always hated that it's up against the house. Thanks for sharing this tip! LeeLa Jones

  4. Leela, so glad for you and moving the shed. It is exciting to realize nothing has to be permeate, especially a shed in the way, haha. You probably already know this, but remember to remove everything before moving it!

  5. AnonymousJuly 14, 2015

    Bookmarked!!, I love your blog! Ashley

  6. I'm always very impressed when people show the pictures of their house move. Especially when the whole building structure is doing the move. Even a storage shed move is impressive too!

  7. Mark, I'm always just amazed that it can even be done!


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